Wednesday, June 07, 2006

# for cousins getting married

cant say much
but if the spouse is a male
ask to see his toothbrush
if its much munched
the man wont treat you delicate
but he would love you.
just be ready for a rough ride.
if its just like new
he'd give you a lot of space
speak politely
but love? well if you are lucky.
and the would be bride?
most importantly should have good teeth
otherwise she wouldn't say much
lest you see her fillings
and her laugh-hesitant.
and you have to live with wife
who never laughs with a open mouth.


Anonymous said...


i loved this one.
ha ha ha


maya varghese said...

on my blog!
so how's england treating you?

:-) said...

loved this one. :-)
this post is more like yours. :-)

maya varghese said...
