Tuesday, June 27, 2006

#nature's child

i wander into the thick of the jungle
empty my bundle of short term goals
nature throws me into a void
Where millennium blues evaporate
And leaves me
Untainted and whole .
I Dig up Seetha from the chaos
that’s my mind
and find me a home where wild lilies grow in my backyard

Not another cluttered confined space. Grilled.
A waterfall and jasmine twines make my garden ,
And me. Pagan high priestess in Nature’s own shrine

I Sleep. Rock to and fro . Light and easy,
On a swing , made from all the Whispers of the forest, .

I stir at the first kiss of dawn,
hear the tussle of the leaves as the dew falls

and i steal away to my little shrine
to sing my simple songs
and make offerings of tulsi leaves ,incense

when the black that’s leftover of the night
saves her farewell embrace
to trip me,over the gnarled roots of the banyan, the hurt on my foot
I’ll give away As I plunge into the biting cold of the river , A stage all set
For the golden sun. to tap-dance on.
a thousand birdcalls, playing nature’s favorite tune

One moment of dawn with the sun, earth and the skies
And I am banished Princess no more,
But Nature’s spawn.
The earth is alive. She talks to me.
In the exalting song of the morning

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Super color scheme, I like it! Keep up the good work. Thanks for sharing this wonderful site with us.