Monday, June 26, 2006

#tuesday morning rain

watching rain on tuesday morning
it started with a murmur
rain.this morning.started like a soft murmur,
like the sounds of the audience before a show.
a little excitement.

i sit and listen to the rain murmur
on the steps of the verandah
the night has not retreated yet
there are traces of bluish blackness
in the corners of the garden

and our neighbours mango tree
is sundenly shy.she's wet, her branches drooping
with a river of june rain
the evergreen twine on the grills of the verandah
dry but for brillant drops on webbed leaves
like diamonds of a nose ring.

my teenage niece ventures out,
with an umbrella
bare feet on cold pebbled courtyard
the frays of her pyjamas wet from brushing past the rose bush
her fingertips teasing water sitting heavy
on the edges of Orchid leaves.
and the drummer in the rain orchestra
plays a new tune on the streched parasol

and then the murmur becomes a shout.
water pours down,drops all in a line
like in a queue. and thank god otherwise
it wouldn't be decent on the potted plants
would have wedged the flowers from their stalks
would have made a tear in my neice's umbrella
and sharp holes on the garden wall


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site. Keep working. Thank you.